Tag: bajra flakes with milk
How are millets beneficial for people with diabetes?
Learn why millet is good for diabetics and how to incorporate it into your daily diet. Due to its great nutritional value and potential for illness prevention, the ancient cereal grain millet has gained popularity. The term “the new quinoa” has been given to millet because it has become such an “it” food. In fact, …
How are millets beneficial for people with diabetes?Read More
Why is an organic food diet important?
Seasonal foods available during the off-season are a result of nature’s pattern being manipulated. The concept of organic farming, as well as the market for it, has recently grown in popularity. Because it is less dependent on external factors, it is regarded as a solution for sustaining sustainable agriculture. What Exactly are Organic Foods? Organic …
Bajra Flakes – The healthy fasting food of India
Barnyard Millet or Kudiraivali rice is mainly grown in the hilly areas of Uttaranchal, India. Also popular as Samwat ke Chawal, under ideal climes, it is the fastest developing crop, as the yields mature grains within 45 days from sowing. A good source of highly digestible protein, and also low in calories as compared to …